Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Hard Candy (Wal-Mart) Polish in Sweet P

I love this polish, it is cute and festive as all get out, it looks like the color of the Grinch, but if he was made out of glitter! Was so pleased with the look I didn't pause for clean up (and glitter clean up with Poshe on top, come on! pop, pop, off) because I was excite to post the pictures!

Unfortunately with these super size and loose rings, I've lost this green one already. Will have to take a good hunt for it, it can't have gotten too far, unless the vacuum has conquered it. XD

Amazingly one coat is sparse and you expect three or four for amazing coverage, but two did the trick, I was surprised, I only really used the Poshe to cover the glitter's gritty feel on the nail.

Hoping to be able to get another year's usage out of my old HD polish of Icky Eggnog, used a thinner but it is looking like it might just be passed it, but will give it a go. Have loads more greens and reds to post, so I need to step it up as it is already the tenth. Woah, it is moving quite along!.

Inside, two coats, top coat of Poshe.

Outside,show's the shade the best here, imho.